AEQ DSD-01 - 3D Studio Table (right)

AEQ DSD-01 - 3D Studio Table (right)

4.120,00 EUR

Modell/Artikelnr.: AE-DSD-01 FR
Lagerstatus: Bitte erfragen Sie unsere Lieferzeit

AEQ has more than 15 years of experience in producing and installing technical furniture for Radio.

AEQ's furniture is completely modular and based upon a concept of standard basic modules. The AEQ DSD system provides excellent flexibility and can be adapted to almost any situation. AEQ's DSD-01 technical furniture combines design, perfect finish, ease of installation and maintenance, functionality and ergonomics. The furnitures are perfectly adaptable to your needs!

Painted tubular steel frame construction 1” thick 30 work surfaces for added durability Built-in cable management system for electrical and audio/data cables. Suits all studio applications.


P/N item AEQ MODULAR STUDIO Table-Presenter right side
434002002 DSD-01 BL Left work surface (65x73)
434002003 DSD-01 BR Right work surface (65x73)
434002004 DSD-01 CD 9U Rack Desk
434002006 DSD-01 DD 12U Rack Desk
434002012 DSD-01 FR 240 Studio table (240X180), main presenter at right side


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